At Prolight + Sound 2012, PLASA 2012 and LDI, Las Vegas, booth #2007, Wireless Solutions showcased the latest G4S W-DMX software. The company had been working since October 2011 on a completely new software platform to deliver a latency under 5ms, available for a software update on all existing Micro F-1, BlackBox, WhiteBox and ProBox units. Provided on a USB-dongle, the update is prepared for future hardware functions as well as many new features and functions.
The W-DMX G4S software platform released in April 2012 includes an adaptive frequency hopping algorithm that improves the plug and play use in crowded radio spectrum situations and better avoids interference from Wi-Fi, DECT phones or intercom. A new Invisi-Wire MK2 supports wireless software updates which will allow for simultaneous software updates to all available receivers. Improved Data-Safe MK2 now supports up to 4 times redundancy of all wireless data using a watchdog function. New RDM MK2 software provides custom features for W-DMX as well as all standard RDM commands.
Featuring substantial upgrades, both the improved BlackBox MK2 and the flagship product, W-DMX ProBox F-2500 were showcased in Frankfurt, London, and Las Vegas.
Niclas Arvidsson, CEO of Wireless Solution says, "The feedback we got at Prolight + Sound proved that we are listening to our users' wishes and delivering the best product on the market. We're also very excited that W-DMX will now be offered in products from such prestigious brands like Robert Juliat, Studio Due and Ape Labs. It's becoming easier every day to have a completely cohesive wireless system."